- Remove shoes upon entering the studio, EVERYONE. Street shoes are not allowed on the dance studio flooring.
- Please treat everyone with the respect you wish to receive in return. Make friends and have fun!!
- It is imperative that everyone respect the studio as well; anyone found vandalizing or defacing studio property will be required to repair or replace.
- Students are expected to be courteous and respectful at all times
- Students need to be under parental supervision when NOT in the classroom.
- Please keep noise level to a minimum in the waiting area while classes/rehearsals are in progress.
- Consistent attendance and effort is key to improvement. Students must attend class regularly or could be removed. Missed classes won't be made up or refunded unless it is a cancelation by the school.
- When students enter the studio, please warm up and be ready to start class.
- All Students must be dressed approppriately for class including required shoes.
- Hair must be pulled back off of the face.
- Candy and gum are not permitted in the classroom at anytime.
- There shall be no horseplay in the hallways and waiting area.
- No foul language to be used at the studio.
- No running in the building for safety purposes.
- Accompany all young children to the restroom.
- Please remain outside the dance room while class is in session unless invited by the instructor. Parental interference is a distractin to the class and the instructor.
- Please do NOT drop off your child more than 15 minutes prior to class time. Non-dancers/siblings should not be left at the studio unsupervised.
- To everyone, please keep hands, feet, faces off the mirrors, walls and windows.
- For Recital, costumes(s) need to be purchased for students to wear if you wish to have them participate in the year end recital For each discipline, a costume fee of $60.00 - $120.00 is to be expected.
- Parents must purchase a ticket to see dancer(s) perform at the yearend recital.
- Office staff MUST be informed if you wish to pull your child out of dance class. Charges continue to apply until we have been informed.
- NSF charges of $25.00 will be added to your account NO exceptions.
- Starz In Motion Dance Studio does not take liability in case of theft or loss of articles brought to the dance studio.
- Class schedule/calendar is subject to change
- Pictures/videos may be take of the dancers unless specified in the registration form. Starz In Motion is not responsible for any students who may bring in personal cameras to take photos/videos.
- The studio reserves the right to remove your child/children from dance class if your account is not paid up to date.